About Traci

This is my blogging adventure to capture the leisurely side of me as well as the serious, business side.

Seriously…who’s kidding who here…I can’t even hold a straight face, let alone be serious?!

I have always enjoyed flea markets and craft fairs and have been attending these by my dad’s side since I could walk and am still doing it to this day. My husband now joins in on the fun and often times, we make it a “get away” weekend. I love finding my inspiration at these events and turning discarded treasures into artistic, handmade pieces, and thus, my mosaic love began.  

I am  fairly  busy during Monday – Friday teaching sixth graders how to write (which is a lost art and a blog rant for another time), but I still find time to enjoy my wood burning as well as spend quality time with the family.

And oh ya; one more thing I squeeze into this crazy schedule.

My husband and I volunteer with a cat rescue organization called Buddies Place. This includes fostering “aka” growing our cat addiction. We currently have three five cats (all rescues) and one foster I trapped and rescued from a hole under (yes, I did say under) the school building I work at.

monster the rescued black catThe foster mentioned above is my sweet baby Zora (pictured left). She became my baby. Then we have added one more (pictured left) our daughter brought home, which has now become my hubby’s baby (Monster…very fitting name btw).

                            Won’t you join me

on this never ending journey,

it’s sure to be entertaining,

to say the least?